viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Howling in whispers

There is something inside me. Something that usually sleeps day and night.

There are sometimes, when something is not cristal clear that this thing, this bird, wolf and deer, howls in a whisper. It's just a moment, a couple of precise seconds. It's sharp and usually right but suddenly falls asleep.

I have this certanity about this thing that dwells within me. I think a couple of times I've seen it's form.

Someone that used to work solving crimes starts talking about some kidnapping, murder or disgrace of some kind.

Then, then I heard a whole forest screaming inside of me. It's like my brain was dynamite and someone would had lit a spark. A succession of explosions starting a fire in the man that I am.

Tunnel vision, several hypothesis happening to each other and a pasion like I've never felt before burning me from the inside.

There is something inside me. A dark forest that sleeps day and night.

For now.


Hay un caballo corriendo en mi mente. Se aleja de mi frente al galope y cabalga sobre los cuerpos callosos, las circunvalaciones de mi encéf...